E-bikes: The Boom In Popularity!
Created on: 10/12/2021
Updated on: 21/04/2023
For the cycling aficionados amongst you, there will no doubt have been a few disgruntled eyerolls and frowns at the growth in e-bikes over the last few years. I mean there you are, busting a gut in your weekly chain gang, on your expensive carbon fibre bike, in your skin-tight lycra, and suddenly a middle-aged commuter dressed in a suit on the way to work comes flying past on his battery powered pedal assisted bike - that’s just not on is it!
The thing is, whether you love them or loathe them, their popularity is showing zero signs of slowing down. In fact, quite the opposite. According to a Mintel survey carried out in March this year, 170,000 e-bikes were sold in the UK in 2020. That’s a whopping 70% year-on-year increase, equating to just under 25% of the total bicycle spend. And Deloitte recently projected that between 2020-2023, 130 million e-bikes would be sold worldwide. So, it’s a safe bet to say they’re here to stay.
So what’s the big deal?
Ok, so e-bikes may never make it onto the pro circuits (or will they?) – but there’s actually some really compelling reasons as to why these battery-powered, pedal-assist bikes are taking such a hold and increasing in popularity.
Putting the environmental benefits to one side for a minute, for many it just makes cycling a whole lot easier and even more enjoyable and accessible. The assistance that e-bikes provide to riders means more people are taking to cycling as a hobby and as a credible alternative to the car, bus or train for their daily commute. And throw in the health benefits, which have been magnified by the pandemic, and you’ve got a solid reason to invest in an e-bike.
For the Commuters.
Where it all kind of kicked off, the daily commute. Congested roads, trains and buses packed out with fellow commuters, made the e-bike seem an incredibly appealing and practical option. And indeed, it is. With the e-bike taking a lot of the strain, getting hot and sweaty from your daily commute is no longer the case. And being able to scoot down the side of traffic or use the cycle lanes meant a big, fat sayonara to wasted time and frayed tempers. In addition, for many of us mere mortals, e-bikes are just far quicker than conventional cycles, thanks to their pedal assisted motors. Meaning you can get from A to B, much faster and easier than on a traditional bike. So, it’s clear to see why they are becoming so popular for commuters.
For the Weekenders.
E-bikes are a whole lot of fun to ride which makes them perfect for an afternoon out in the local park or a weekend away in the countryside. And the great thing is everyone can join in; all ages and across different fitness and experience levels.
And even for the more adventurous, once you cross that 20-30 mile mark, things can start to become a bit of a grind. Or, you’re faced with a particularly daunting hill climb and your thighs are about to go in for an all-out protest. Well, say a big – and very welcome – ‘HELLO’ to the e-bike’s motor aka ‘a little helping hand’ that you never knew you needed.
E-bikes have opened up cycling to a whole new market, people that may otherwise have never got out and about in the way that an e-bike allows. And even amongst the avid cycler community, e-bikes are proving to be a great option to either get the family to join in, or for days when a more chilled ride, calls.
For the environment
Clearly the environment is front of mind for all of us these days, and we’re all trying to do our bit to help save and protect our planet. As global warming and climate change continues to dominate the headlines and as governments around the world look for ways to cut our carbon footprints, the need to look for more environmentally friendly and sustainable transport options is of paramount importance. And e-bikes do just that! They’re just much more friendly for the environment than other types of transport such as cars, motorcycles and buses.
So, the verdict?
It’s clear that the rise in popularity of the e-bike will continue. In a research study conducted by Mintel, 43% of cyclists said they intend to purchase an e-bike in the coming years. And so, it’s safe to say we’ll be seeing a lot more of them on our roads and cycle lanes.
With significant investments being made into the cycling infrastructure throughout the UK, and with the increase in popularity of cycling, the rise of e-bikes will continue at pace, and we, for one, think it can only be a good thing.
The thing is, whether you love them or loathe them, their popularity is showing zero signs of slowing down. In fact, quite the opposite. According to a Mintel survey carried out in March this year, 170,000 e-bikes were sold in the UK in 2020. That’s a whopping 70% year-on-year increase, equating to just under 25% of the total bicycle spend. And Deloitte recently projected that between 2020-2023, 130 million e-bikes would be sold worldwide. So, it’s a safe bet to say they’re here to stay.
So what’s the big deal?
Ok, so e-bikes may never make it onto the pro circuits (or will they?) – but there’s actually some really compelling reasons as to why these battery-powered, pedal-assist bikes are taking such a hold and increasing in popularity.
Putting the environmental benefits to one side for a minute, for many it just makes cycling a whole lot easier and even more enjoyable and accessible. The assistance that e-bikes provide to riders means more people are taking to cycling as a hobby and as a credible alternative to the car, bus or train for their daily commute. And throw in the health benefits, which have been magnified by the pandemic, and you’ve got a solid reason to invest in an e-bike.
For the Commuters.
Where it all kind of kicked off, the daily commute. Congested roads, trains and buses packed out with fellow commuters, made the e-bike seem an incredibly appealing and practical option. And indeed, it is. With the e-bike taking a lot of the strain, getting hot and sweaty from your daily commute is no longer the case. And being able to scoot down the side of traffic or use the cycle lanes meant a big, fat sayonara to wasted time and frayed tempers. In addition, for many of us mere mortals, e-bikes are just far quicker than conventional cycles, thanks to their pedal assisted motors. Meaning you can get from A to B, much faster and easier than on a traditional bike. So, it’s clear to see why they are becoming so popular for commuters.
For the Weekenders.
E-bikes are a whole lot of fun to ride which makes them perfect for an afternoon out in the local park or a weekend away in the countryside. And the great thing is everyone can join in; all ages and across different fitness and experience levels.
And even for the more adventurous, once you cross that 20-30 mile mark, things can start to become a bit of a grind. Or, you’re faced with a particularly daunting hill climb and your thighs are about to go in for an all-out protest. Well, say a big – and very welcome – ‘HELLO’ to the e-bike’s motor aka ‘a little helping hand’ that you never knew you needed.
E-bikes have opened up cycling to a whole new market, people that may otherwise have never got out and about in the way that an e-bike allows. And even amongst the avid cycler community, e-bikes are proving to be a great option to either get the family to join in, or for days when a more chilled ride, calls.
For the environment
Clearly the environment is front of mind for all of us these days, and we’re all trying to do our bit to help save and protect our planet. As global warming and climate change continues to dominate the headlines and as governments around the world look for ways to cut our carbon footprints, the need to look for more environmentally friendly and sustainable transport options is of paramount importance. And e-bikes do just that! They’re just much more friendly for the environment than other types of transport such as cars, motorcycles and buses.
So, the verdict?
It’s clear that the rise in popularity of the e-bike will continue. In a research study conducted by Mintel, 43% of cyclists said they intend to purchase an e-bike in the coming years. And so, it’s safe to say we’ll be seeing a lot more of them on our roads and cycle lanes.
With significant investments being made into the cycling infrastructure throughout the UK, and with the increase in popularity of cycling, the rise of e-bikes will continue at pace, and we, for one, think it can only be a good thing.