Cancellation within 14 days
You can cancel your policy and receive a full refund within the 14 days of purchase or renewal of your policy
provided no claim has been made or is going to be made.
Cancellation after 14 days
If you wish to cancel your policy after 14 days has expired, you can do so at any time. Your cover will cease
immediately from the date you instruct us to cancel your policy. It is not possible to backdate the cancellation.
See below the refund terms for cancellations outside the initial 14 days:
Paying Monthly
If you pay your premium monthly and no claim has been made or is going to be made, your policy will be cancelled
immediately and there will be no refund of premium due.
Paying Annually
If you pay your premium annually and no claim has been made or is going to be made, you will be entitled to a
pro-rata refund of premium.
To cancel your policy please go to the PMB Customer Dashboard to request your policy cancellation or contact us by email at